
最終日の21日目は、Cross Cultural Workshopの最終プレゼンテーションがありました。テーマ“日本の広告”について、国籍も文化背景も違う仲間同士でつくりあげた過程はそれぞれ山あり谷ありだった様子。最終的には各グループ趣向をこらした完成度の高いプレゼンとなりました!
閉会式では、金子学長より留学生とCross Cultural Workshopを履修していた日本人学生に修了証が手渡されました。



Monday, July 11

It was a beautiful if scorching day as the the students toured Kamakura. It was a very emotional day as we gathered together for the last time. In the morning, students gave their final cross-cultural workshop presentations on advertising. After working together though out the past 3 weeks, it was fantastic to see all their work and collaboration pay off with some great presentations.

In the closing ceremony that followed, we were treated to a short speech by President Kaneko and a student speech by one our participants, Min from Cambodia.

There were tears both in the closing ceremony and in the farewell party afterward. The program recap slideshow saw many hugs, tears, and laughter were everywhere, and people explained what the program meant to them and said their final goodbyes.

SSIP 2016 has been a truly remarkable experience for everyone involved. There’s no doubt that the friendships made here will stand the test of time. And wherever our students go in the future, there will always be a home for them at Showa Women’s University.