英国短期留学 Day 3

It was a sunny day in London.
We met Jeffrey, our study tour guide this morning, and he explained today’s schedule.
First, we visited Oxford with two student tour guides.
Luckily, we were able to see two colleges: Christ  Church and Brasenose College.
We were able to see Brasenose because Era, our tour guide, studies at this college and kindly showed us around the college facilities such as the library, dining hall, chapel and courtyard.
As you know, Oxford is one of the most prestigious universities in the world.
Each building is very beautiful and has a long history which really impressed us.  We hope that we will be able to return as students in the near future.
On the way to Cheltenham, the Showa girls were so exited to see their host families.  Finally, we met our host families and they drove us to our homes. We hope we will have wonderful memories together during our stay here.