拓本実習~TUJアート学科 学生記事~




In the class of “Museum Practice Ⅱ”, on December 3, I had the opportunity to experience the technique of “Takuhon (rubbings)” under the guidance of Associate Professor Manako Tanaka. Ink rubbings are copies on paper of characters and patterns carved on wood, stone, monuments, and earthenware by using inks. There are two types of rubbings: dry rubbings and wet rubbings. Using these two methods, we practiced copying the inscriptions on fragments of earthenware and coins.

The actual process was quite skillful, and only a few students in the class were able to copy the patterns perfectly. However, since it has the advantage of being able to capture the size and even the smallest irregular texture, unlike photographic records, this technique is not only treated as a work of art, but is also used in Japan as a method of recording artifacts in fields such as archaeology today.

Showa Women’s University offers a curriculum called the curatorial course, which enables students to acquire curatorial qualifications through lectures and practical training as described above. The knowledge and skills acquired through this curriculum are not only useful for the work of publicizing and utilizing the cultural assets of society, but also essential for preserving and passing them on to future generations. I hope that in the future, a system will be established so that not only students from Showa Women’s University but also students from Temple University, Japan Campus can participate in this program.