

英語で日本の歴史や現状を学び、日本文化を体験してもらうことを目的としている「Japan Studies」と異なるバックグラウンドを持つ学生がグループを組んでプロジェクトに取り組み、意見交換をしながらプレゼンの準備と発表を行う「Cross-Cultural Workshop」です。

午前中は「Japan Studies」で茶室で茶道体験をし、午後、「Cross-Cultural Workshop」のファシリテイターから導入講義が行われ、グループ活動が始まりました。




Wednesday, June 22

On the first day of classes, the students began with a lesson on the Japanese Tea Ceremony, led in part by CIE’s own Ashley Warren. The students listened to a lecture on the purpose and place of the Tea Ceremony in Japanese culture, before sampling traditional sweets and trying their hand at making tea.

In the afternoon, the first lessons of the Cross-Cultural Workshop were led by Ommura-Sensei, bringing international students and Showa students together to get know one another.

Thursday, June 23

Thursday began with a practical lesson in Japanese calligraphy, giving students the chance to practice writing their names and favorite kanji. Aided by Showa students studying calligraphy, everyone was able to create a beautiful piece to take home.

In the afternoon there was a rousing lecture on Japanese Pop Culture by Shigematsu-sensei, taught to both international students and his regular class. Featuring manga and anime of all genres, we studied the changes and developments over time.