
Reading international news in English has several great benefits. First, it helps improve your English ability, particularly in terms of vocabulary development. It also gives you a better understanding of what’s happening in the world, which broadens your outlook. Keeping up with the news can even increase your chances of job hunting success.

Understanding English new articles is challenging, however, because of the language involved as well as the content, which often focuses on business and economics. I developed the new third-year zemi Global Issues in the News to help students overcome these challenges, learn more about the current world situation, and prepare to write a graduation thesis in English.

By their third year, Eicomi students have taken several English skills courses, including courses at Showa Boston or other English-medium institutions. This provides a strong foundation to draw on when reading the news. However, as English majors, Eicomi students may not have much knowledge of business, finance, or economics, which can make it difficult to understand certain aspects of important news stories.