英コミ 東明学林 English Activity 練習 【学生レポート】

Hello. We are Yuki and Asuka, the second graders at English language and communication department.

Today, we prepared for English Activity in the morning. English Activity is doing a presentation or playing a drama, cooperating with each teammate. We make it based on our own themes and we speak all in English. For instance, searching for the information with the Internet or magazines, composing the story of drama, practicing of performance and so on. This is a competition among students, from the freshers to the juniors. Therefore, we can see various kinds of presentation.

In today’s preparation, all students worked hard. Some people made PowerPoint, and others made a story and practiced a drama.

Tomorrow, we are going to begin a preliminary round of English Activity. Of course, we aim at the first prize, and also we want to enjoy a presentation with our teammates.