
Eicomi faculty members Tomoko Sugihashi and John McCarthy, and Karen Bowley, former program director of Showa Boston, presented at the JALT 2022 conference, which was held November 11-14 in Fukuoka. JALT stands for the Japanese Association for Language Teaching or 特定非営利活動法人全国語学教育学会 in Japanese.

Sugihashi sensei gave a poster presentation titled ”Fostering a professional perspective through discussion and email writing,” which discussed Japanese EFL students’ misconceptions of politeness in English and the levels of formality that arose from email writing activities in her business communication class.

McCarthy-sensei and Bowley-sensei presented on the topic of Teacher Collaboration in Showa Boston’s American College Readiness Track. Specifically, they discussed how teachers in Tokyo and Boston worked together to plan a curriculum that would prepare Showa students to study at American universities. In addition, McCarthy-sensei gave a presentation on Teaching Critical Thinking Skills to Improve Argumentative Essays.