英国短期留学 Day 8

Today is the second day of our English course.  Our ears have gradually become more used to listening to authentic English in classes.

Speech presentation in pairs will be conducted as a final goal for this program next week. During the lessons today, we tried to explore the ideas for this presentation by brainstorming or making a questionnaire to improve our presentation.


We had a second visit to King’s School this afternoon.  After having a delicious lunch, we had a nice talk with the 6th form students.  They were willing to answer our questions which we are very grateful for.


Some of Showa students asked King’s students who were playing rugby on the courtyard to join the Japanese game, “darumasan ga koronda”. They soon grasped the rules and we had fun playing together.


Finally the cultural exchange started and our students performed as follows: playing the jazz piano, dance and songs by the choir.  Then King’s students gave us a nice present ― singing beautiful songs. We were amaze by their lovely voices.

 Exif_JPEG_PICTURE      Exif_JPEG_PICTURE        Day 8 solo singer


After the visit, we went to a farm in Stroud.  We saw many sheep in the field and lambs calling in cute voices for milk.  Now is the season that we can see lots of lovely new born lambs just several weeks old.  Showa students had a chance to hold them gently and feed them bottled milk.