The 2nd SGH activity announcement

In 2014, our school was designated as a Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology Super Global High School (SGH). We are working on a project called Problem Solving Projects for Women’s Global Career Design – developing a wider knowledge and career designing abilities necessary for women’s global leadership.

On June 3rd, the SGH activities began in earnest. Mr. Takeshi Hibiya, an inspector with Fuji Xerox and adviser to the research project, Research for ‘Women Global Leaders Active as Individual and in Companies’, presented a lecture titled Working and the Human Resources Required by Companies.

Mr. Hibiya listened to each student’s opinion and advised them as to how they could accomplish their mission as leaders and related it to Showa’s three school mottos that are also designed to foster further knowledge and experience in order to be a leader.

To work is to embark on a mission and acknowledge one’s responsibility. He taught the students the importance of knowing how to judge between ‘what should be done’ and ‘what shouldn’t be done’ and to raise their awareness and foster a more determined approach in their school lives from now on.

Through this research project, students are learning how to meaningfully enhance their activities with virtue, further their education and develop a partnership to come closer to being the person they want to be.


本校は、文部科学省による平成26年度スーパーグローバルハイスクール(SGH)に指定されました。【女性のグローバルなキャリアデザインに対する課題解決プロジェクト】に取り組み、女性のグローバルリーダーに必要な国際的素養とキャリアデザイン力を育成しています。6月3日(火)の総合的な学習の時間から、いよいよ本格的なSGHの活動が始まりました。プロジェクト研究の1つである「企業や個人で活躍する女性グローバルリーダーの研究」でアドバイザーをしてくださっている富士ゼロックス株式会社 常勤監査役の日比谷武先生に『働くこと、企業が求める人材』についてご講演をしていただきました。講演では、SGHのメンバーひとりひとりの発言に耳を傾けてくださりながら、以下のような話を伺いました。


