
SSIP 16日目は「日本の風呂敷」の実習から始まりました。「初めてのふろしきレッスン」等、現代の生活に合わせた風呂敷の活用についての著書をもつ山田悦子先生から風呂敷のレクチャーを受けました。ある留学生は習った風呂敷バッグを早速つくって持ち歩いていました。その後、5名の日本人女性にご協力いただき、日本人女性へのインタビューを行いました。どのテーブルも会話が弾み、時間が足りない様子でした。

July 8th, Wednesday

Japanese Cloth-Folding

We started off today with a lesson on furoshiki or Japanese cloth-folding by Etsuko Yamada, a well knowned furoshiki cloth maker! SSIP participants were welcomed to beautiful cloths on their desks and a brief history of furoshiki, which actually goes back over 1,300 years! Participants were taught multiple ways to use the furoshiki from its traditional uses in transporting objects such as bottles and food, to being incorporated as part of modern fashion. Participants were thoroughly impressed by the versatility of the cloth and got to take one home at the end! All in all, we had a great time and we learned some valuable techniques to using furoshiki!

Interviews with Japanese Women

For lunch, the students were given the opportunity to talk to Japanese women over a buffet lunch in the Global Lounge. The Japanese women shared stories of where they traveled, what kinds of jobs they held, and what a normal day for them was like. On top of that, the students were able to ask questions that they have had about Japanese culture and here it from women with a multitude of perspectives. It was a great opportunity for our participants to learn about women in the Japanese culture!

Cross Cultural Workshop⑨⑩

For today’s workshop, the students presented their projects about the Kanazawa Museum that they visited last Saturday. The groups were really creative with their presentations, with some groups even making their presentations interactive! Overall, everyone was able to convince the audience in a fun and engaging way to visit the museum, making every group presentation a success!

July 9th, Thursday

Free Day
The students spent their last free day exploring the last corners of Tokyo to go on shopping trips and explore some last minute scenery before going to Tomei Gakurin the next day!