
その後はCross-Cultural Workshop参加者全員で東明学林へ。期間中何度も顔を合わせている参加学生ですが、一宿一飯をともにするとこれまで以上に交流も深まるようです。グループごとに最終プレゼンテーションに向け磨きをかけました。


July 10th, Friday

Japan Studies: Company Visit to Shiseido

With everyone packed, we loaded up the bus bright and early on Friday to head to Shiseido Headquarters in Ginza! Once we arrived, the students listened to senior advisor, Hisayuki Suekawa, explain the company’s unique marketing strategy to compete as a global company. This strategy, called “Omotenashi“ is the reason why Shiseido is able to survive and compete on a global market, as they are able to anticipate the customers’ needs. After the lecture, we were taken to Shiseido the Ginza, the famous cosmetic location with three stories of beauty treatments. We were given a private tour of the building, and the students were amazed at the luxurious design of the building. After the tour, we were able to try the the mirai “future” mirror, which gave us a glimpse of how different makeup looks on us using a specialized camera. Shortly after, we visited the Tokyo Ginza Shiseido Building where we had a lecture about the history of the Ginza Parlour and were given original ice cream sodas! At the very end, Shiseido sent everyone home with a souvenir bag containing a packet of oil blotting paper (which is unique to Shiseido’s corporate museum!)

After lunch we traveled to Tomei Gakurin by bus, where everyone primarily slept. Once we got to the facility, we were able to stand on the balcony outside and, despite the fog, got to see the glimpse of Mount Fuji from a distance. With free time for the rest of the day, everyone got together and enjoyed their time of relaxation.

July 11th, Saturday

Cross Cultural Workshop⑪⑫⑬⑭

For a full day, everyone worked hard on their final presentation play! After many discussions and planning, the students were able to rehearse in front of one another in groups and give constructive criticism, which was helpful for many!