1◆外国人留学生International Students

  • 2013年9月9日

SWU Summer Program-homestay

It was the first time I experienced  homestay in Japan for a day. My host family guided me about their house expecially how t […]

  • 2013年8月7日

SWU Summer Program–Day16

2013.8.6—The theme of the day was Japanese cuisine. The day started with a lecture from a professor Imai in Department […]

  • 2013年8月6日

SWU Summer Program–Day15

2013.8.5—Today’s theme was pop culture. The day started with a guest lecture detailing the history of Japanese po […]

  • 2013年8月5日

SWU Summer Program–Day13

2013.8.3—Saturday was another cross-cultural project day. In the morning, Nico came in and gave a talk on the history o […]

  • 2013年8月5日

SWU Summer Program–Day12

2013.8.2—Today was an excursion. The first part of our journey took us to Kamakura, where the shogun Minamoto no Yorito […]

  • 2013年8月2日

SWU Summer Program–Day11

2013.8.1—Today was devoted entirely to the cultural collaboration project. In the morning, Nico came in and gave a lect […]

  • 2013年8月2日

SWU Summer Program–Day10

2013.7.31—Today’s topic was Japanese business. In the morning, students were given a lecture about the history of […]

  • 2013年7月31日

SWU Summer Program–Day9

2013.7.30—Tuesday morning opened with a lecture from Showa’s own President Bando on “Japanese Women” […]

  • 2013年7月31日

SWU Summer Program–Day8

2013.7.29—The topic for today’s lecture was education, and it was delivered by Showa’s own Professor Sim. T […]

  • 2013年7月31日

SWU Summer Program–Day6

2013.7.27—Today, we had our first session for the Cross-Cultural Collaborative Project on gender roles in Japan! Studen […]